Local Government
Digital Transformation for Local Governments
Workflow Automation
Optimize and streamline processes by automating data transfers, communications, and task routing.
Digital Forms
Create intuitive, responsive digital services for residents with custom, branded smart forms.
Electronic Signature
Add eSignature to any workflow or form. Unlimited use and no per-signature costs!
Trusted by Local Government
Our trusted platform empowers local governments to run their own efficient, digital programs.
Our no-code designer enables employees of all tech capabilities to design and use solutions without IT support, starting with just one process or many.
Explore our library of use cases and learn how other departments leverage our platform to optimize and streamline their processes.
Solutions for any department.
- Constituent-Facing
- Administrative
- Case Management
- Legal & Procurement
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Licensing & Permits

Build trust with end-to-end modern experiences.
We believe government experiences should be simple and efficient, and residents should be able to interact with government easily anytime, anywhere, on any device.

2022 and the End to Partially Digitized Processes
Partially digital processes inspire frustration among citizens the world over. This idea refers to anything that combines a technological and manual (“IRL”) component within the same workflow.
administrative solutions
Increase the speed and efficiency of your organization.
We understand government processes can be unique, and our solution flexes to meet those needs, not the other way around.
Case management
Support your field workers.
Case management needs to be mobile, efficient, and seamless. Our solution works with your existing infrastructure to help you digitize your field staff.
Continuous Case Management
Field workers waste valuable time reentering data recorded by hand in the field when back in connectivity range.
Legal and Procurement
Increase collaboration and get more visibility into your processes.
We understand the moving parts of legal and procurement processes. Our platform lets you collaborate and iterate across teams in real time.
Legal Residence Application
When processes for submitting basic legal residence information are manual and paper-based, municipalities wait longer to receive data that is more likely to be incorrect.
HR Solutions
Streamline and scale HR tasks.
We know government HR is different. With more employees and unique requirements, our flexible solution can help you standardize your processes and get more done.
Whole Person Consent Forms
Critical health data collected on intake forms needs to be integrated with main individual citizen records, a process that is costly and sometimes technically challenging.
Information Technology
Automate and manage IT processes.
IT wears a lot of hats. With the SimpliGov platform, your IT department can easily manage and automate requests, trainings, authorizations, and more.
Project Approval
Large city and state agencies, such as hospital networks, DMVs, and educational systems, must enable employees to propose major initiatives and project management teams to assess their value to the organization.
Permits and Licensing
Streamline Permitting Applications.
Digitizing your permitting and licensing applications with automated workflow and reviews streamlines the process, making a better experience for all parties.
Construction Permit Application
Cities often force contractors, homeowners, and developers to file applications for new residential and commercial construction projects in person at city planning offices. City planners and applicants have to collaborate over numerous complex paper documents in the evaluation of each initiative, a process filled with red tape for both parties.
Proven Results
Explore solutions used by state and local departments across the country:
Autonomous Vehicle Testing and Permitting
As the public sector incentivizes more clean energy projects (e.g., HVAC, solar, weatherization), agencies must ...
Loan Applications for Environmental Improvement Initiatives
As the public sector incentivizes more clean energy projects (e.g., HVAC, solar, weatherization), agencies must ...
Event Registration
Digital forms and workflows double as event scheduling and registrant communication solutions.
Request for Personnel Action (RPA)
Digitize and streamline the complex process of executing promotions, terminations, employee-tier changes, transfers, reassignments, retirements, ...
Standardize Purchase Requisitions
SimpliGov automates the process for managing purchase requisitions, making government operations more efficient, accurate, and ...
Compensation and Classification
Government agencies must ensure that the categorization of job groups and salary schedules is current ...