Learn about the government tech ecosystem, and get insight into the challenges, solutions, and tactics surrounding IT modernization in the public sector.

How Automation Is Driving Modern DMV Services

DMVs have evolved significantly over the last decade. Previously, the DMV experience was synonymous with long queues and frustration, often...
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Multilanguage Forms in State and Local Government: How to Serve Diverse Communities

Over the last several years, there has been increasing emphasis on addressing language barriers in requesting state and local government...
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Workflow Process Automation: Ready in Case of Emergency

The public sector has been criticized for its perceived inability to modernize programs to meet citizens’ needs. Multiple obstacles, including...
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Digital Forms and ADA Compliance: Moving the Needle

Digital Forms and ADA Compliance: Moving the Needle Government agencies are required to conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act...
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The Benefits of Form Automation for Legal Processes in State and Local Government

This is the first blog post in a series examining how the digitization of manual processes is boosting individual divisions...
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How to Move to Digital Forms – the Right Way

So you have decided to convert your constituent-facing application, employee reimbursement, or special request forms from paper to digital. All...
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How Digital Forms and Workflow Automation Serve the Greater Good

A broad range of state and local governments bring their constituents the same modern digital services that consumers expect from...
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The Link Between Digital Experience and “Repeatability” in Government

It may not be immediately clear that constituent digital experience and the concept of “repeatability” are closely linked. However, as...
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The Changing Face of the Government Technology Workforce

As a GovTech industry executive, I have a unique view into the transformation taking place in the government technology workforce, which is...
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Documents: The Foundation of the Integrated Form-Workflow-eSignature Solution—and of the Modern, Digital Government

When workflow automation serves as a bridge that prevents electronic forms and signatures from working in a vacuum, governments create streamlined, orderly processes...
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Workflow Automation: The Bridge That Connects Digital Forms and Signatures

Workflow Automation: The Bridge That Connects Digital Forms and SignaturesRecently, we expanded on why it’s so important to keep digital forms...
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Why Digital Forms and eSignatures Can’t Stand Alone

Completing and signing a physical form is a pretty straightforward exercise. Fill out the fields and sign at the end....
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