Continuous Case Management

Continuous Case Work in the Field.

CCM allows social workers, building inspectors, meter readers, and other field employees to complete case forms regardless of connectivity.


Field workers waste valuable time reentering data recorded by hand in the field when back in connectivity range


  • Open new cases in offline mode, fill out digital case management form fields, and obtain signatures without connectivity  
  • Instantaneously sync and update data with a click of a button when an internet connection becomes available
  • Move between online and offline modes without interrupting key work activities  

SimpliGov in Action

The SimpliGov continuous case management solution contains all the tools necessary for facilitating an efficient digital automated process: 

  • Limit what parts of their automated workflows field workers can access when offline 
  • Grant access to initiation templates and in-progress records offline 
  • Initiate scan for changes and instantaneous updates when back online  
  • Offline Form Access application automatically removes data from the user’s laptop or mobile device five days after records are synced 


  • Excellent citizen service! Field workers focus on high-value activities, not administrative work.  
  • Efficiency. Users complete form fields and gather signatures electronically only once. 
  • Better user experience—reduction in data entry, no disruption in working with case forms.  
  • No-code, cloud-based architecture can be implemented quickly and integrated with existing legacy applications 

Ready to begin?

Automating your processes need not be a daunting task. Contact us and we will show you how SimpliGov can help you achieve your goals in record time.

Ready to begin?

Automating your processes need not be a daunting task. Contact us and we will show you how SimpliGov can help you achieve your goals in record time.

Explore More Use Cases

Standardize Purchase Requisitions

SimpliGov automates the process for managing purchase requisitions, making government operations more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective.

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Compensation and Classification

Government agencies must ensure that the categorization of job groups and salary schedules is current and accurate.

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Milk License

Dairy companies should not have to spend much time managing and renewing their licenses. Agencies must be transparent in their enforcement of regulations.

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