Learn about the government tech ecosystem, and get insight into the challenges, solutions, and tactics surrounding IT modernization in the public sector.
VIP: A Partner Poised for the Opportunities Ahead
Collaboration and partnership lift everyone involved, in our experience. That’s especially true in delivering technology solutions for government and public...
6 Ways Government Workflow Automation Streamlines Elections
One of the greatest and most important tests of the public sector? When they’re called upon to give the public...
Government Forms Automation and Supporting the CA Secretary of State
If you’re looking for an example of how “big government” puts government forms automation to work to ease burdens, accelerate...
How Workflow Automation Accelerates the LLC Application Process in California
It almost got lost in our transition into becoming SimpliGov. But when the Office of the California Secretary of State...
4 Powerful Benefits of Paperless Processes
Going paperless? It’s more common than ever for government and public sector organizations facing the need to improve performance, yet...
Can Workflow Automation Temper the Government IT Exodus?
They’re running for the doors in droves, it seems. Over the next several years, a huge number of government IT professionals will...
How Government Workflow Automation Helps the Human Factor
The danger in adopting any new government technology? Getting so immersed in the technical details that the human factor gets forgotten. But...
Why Your Workflow Automation Platform Shouldn’t Require Rip-and-Replace
Here’s a nightmare scenario for too many CIOs and CTOs who have lived through it before: You’re adopting a cornerstone...
Why Legal Cannabis in California Demanded Government Automation
Last week, we were proud to announce how the California Secretary of State’s office picked SimpliGov as a government workflow automation...
CA Makes It Easier to do Business (via SimpliGov Government Automation)
California has made a clear commitment to leveraging technology to make its many sprawling government operations more efficient. Now, SimpliGov...
How Do You Ensure Government Automation Equals Acceleration?
The burdens outdated processes inflict on public service organizations are almost too cliché to recite again. Now they’re facing change, especially...
What are the “Top Digital Cities of 2017” – and Why?
Technology use in “smart cities” is a progressively popular topic. It seems the government is finally getting the memoGovernment Technology published...