Learn about the government tech ecosystem, and get insight into the challenges, solutions, and tactics surrounding IT modernization in the public sector.

Why eSignature Is Hardly a Standalone Product

Electronic signatures are a regular part of our personal and professional lives and have been for some time. Few would...
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The Future of Digital Government: The Technology & Leadership Nexus

In closing a remarkable 2021, I can’t help but feel even more optimistic for the year ahead. Yes, 2021 was...
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2022 and the End to Partially Digitized Processes

Partially digital processes inspire frustration among citizens the world over. This idea refers to anything that combines a technological and...
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Targeting Real Resources at Closing the “Digital Divide”

The Digital Divide is an idea that’s gained serious steam in political discourse lately. It’s a multiheaded problem, but can be...
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New Research Reveals the Changing State of Government Workflow Automation

The COVID-19 pandemic notably disrupted several aspects of the public sector such as forcing an unprecedented and unexpectedly quick pivot...
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Electronic Signature for Government – It’s About the Workflow!

  Although the move away from legacy electronic signature pricing models and approaches was well underway before the pandemic, the...
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SimpliGov Customers Win Government Experience Awards for Exceptional Service Delivery

When our clients implement our integrated workflow automation, forms automation, and eSignature solution, they reduce errors, increase efficiencies, serve their...
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Emergency Rental Assistance – It’s Not Too Late!

Distribute Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Funds Quickly, Efficiently, and Accurately. Time is running out to distribute Emergency Rental Assistance Program...
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4 Tips for Leveraging Emerging Technologies

Research and advisory firm the Center for Digital Government (CDG) is bullish on government’s digital transformation in the coming years....
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Workflow and eForm Automation Drive Gartner’s Top Government IT Trends

The highly influential analyst firm Gartner recently unveiled its top 10 government technology trends in 2021 and beyond.  Unsurprisingly to us, this...
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10 Tips and Tricks For Showing Off Your Workflow Designer Skills

1. Align Your Form Fields When you first drag a form field element on to your screen, it will take...
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The 3 Ways the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Can Accelerate Digital Transformation

Thanks to the American Rescue Plan (ARP) recently passed by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11,...
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