Learn about the government tech ecosystem, and get insight into the challenges, solutions, and tactics surrounding IT modernization in the public sector.

Coronavirus Relief Deadline Approaching: Time is Running Out on the CARES Act

The deadline for state and local government to incur expenses associated with the response to the COVID-19 pandemic is December 30,...
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SimpliGov Congratulates the California DMV for Winning Government Experience Award

The Center for Digital Government honors DMV for offering constituents a compelling digital user experience amid the challenges of the...
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From Years to Months to Days: The “New Government Normal” Powered by SimpliGov Workflow Automation and Online Forms

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new reality accelerating digital transformation in government to levels deemed virtually “impossible” just a...
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Why State and Local Governments Need to Rethink Electronic Signatures to Adapt to Today’s New Normal

In government, the COVID-19 era will not only be remembered for shutdowns, social distancing, PPE and flattening the curve, but...
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5 Things to Know about Government Process Automation

We are often asked the question, “What are the most important things about government process automation? Why should a government...
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3 Ways State CIOs Can Get Quick Wins

The CIO of each of the 50 states in the U.S. has a similar challenge: demonstrate your value to the state fast....
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How Process Automation & Paper Co-Exist in the 2020 Census

The federal government is about to embark on the 2020 Census. This time around, government workflow automation is one of...
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Revving Up “Red Folders” – Accelerating the Executive Document Review and Tracking Process

The executive document review and tracking process, the workflow that winds its way through government organizations that ensures the review and...
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How California is Forging a Digital Future with SimpliGov’s Solutions

We’ve had the privilege of helping the office of the California Secretary of State in solving a variety of challenges via government...
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TAP Takes a Victory Lap: A Founder’s Perspective

This week, I had the pleasure of being on hand when the Financial Times announced the honorees spotlighted in its FT Intelligent Business...
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VIP: A Partner Poised for the Opportunities Ahead

Collaboration and partnership lift everyone involved, in our experience. That’s especially true in delivering technology solutions for government and public...
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6 Ways Government Workflow Automation Streamlines Elections

One of the greatest and most important tests of the public sector? When they’re called upon to give the public...
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