Featured White Paper

SimpliGov and UiPath partner to transform the California DMV with automation and online forms.

Featured Customer Success Story
Automated Executive Document Tracking and Review
Learn how California’s Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) automated and streamlined their ‘Red Folder’ process with SimpliGov.

Featured Customer Success Story
City of San Jose Implements SimpliSign Workflow to Improve Efficiencies.
Learn how Silicon Valley’s City of San Jose implemented SimpliSign in an automated workflow to improve speed and efficiencies.
Use Cases
Autonomous Vehicle Testing and Permitting
As the public sector incentivizes more clean energy projects (e.g., HVAC, solar, weatherization), agencies must make it easier for citizens and businesses to apply for funds and verify applicant eligibility.
Loan Applications for Environmental Improvement Initiatives
As the public sector incentivizes more clean energy projects (e.g., HVAC, solar, weatherization), agencies must make it easier for citizens and businesses to apply for funds and verify applicant eligibility.
Event Registration
Digital forms and workflows double as event scheduling and registrant communication solutions.
Customer Success Stories
State Department of Education Modernizes Telework Process in Less Than Six Weeks
Hybrid Scheduling Process Supports 600 Staff A state’s department of education supports a public school
New Castle County Modernizes Parcel Reassessment Submissions Through Automation
Digital Process Cuts Manual Labor in Half New Castle County’s Assessment Department is responsible for
State Agency Expedites License Approvals for Speech & Audiology Professionals
SimpliGov Platform Simplifies High-Volume, Complex Process A large state agency was using paper and email
White Papers & eBooks
SimpliGov and UIPATH Automate California DMV
Accelerating Government Digital Transformation Through Automation The California DMV’s Digital Leap Forward Download this new
The New Safety Net IT Ecosystem: An Integrated Solution for Sonoma County – Partnering with IBM and SimpliGov.
The New Safety Net IT Ecosystem: An Integrated Solution for Sonoma County – Partnering with
SimpliGov Teams with UiPath to Enhance Government Process Automation with Robotics and Online Forms
SimpliGov Teams with UiPath to Enhance Government Process Automation with Robotics and Online Forms Learn
How Document Automation Is Transforming Government
By no means a recent technology, digital document automation has been used in private enterprises
28 CFR Part 35 Makes Digital Accessibility a Requirement for SLED
The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently issued 28 CFR Part 35, the final rule for
How Automation Is Driving Modern DMV Services
DMVs have evolved significantly over the last decade. Previously, the DMV experience was synonymous with
SimpliGov Accelerates Processes for the California Secretary of State
SimpliGov Accelerates Processes for the California Secretary of State SimpliGov is making it far easier
Carolyn Staats of Sonoma County discussing the benefits of automation with SimpliGov.
Carolyn Staats of Sonoma County discussing the benefits of automation with SimpliGov. See how SimpliGov’s