Vaccine Verification

Develop a Simple Vaccine Form and Portal.

SimpliGov enables agencies to send citizens and employees a link to a user-friendly form for verifying vaccination status or uploading a negative test.


Whether staging a conference or event, facilitating the return of employees to the office, or bringing aboard new hires, agencies are looking for a way to enforce vaccine policies for enclosed areas.


  • Verify users’ identity and email addresses in minutes 
  • Provide a simple customizable online form, which registrants can quickly complete from any browser, platform, or device 
  • Leverage a portal where users can upload vaccination records, QR code scans, or negative tests with the click of a button 
  • Automatically route forms to appropriate employees with autogenerated email alerts for rapid verification  
  • Enable submission screeners to simply check “approve” or “deny” and provide additional explanation, if necessary, in an accompanying comments box 
  • Implement new verification processes quickly 

Simpligov in Action

The SimpliGov vaccine verification solution contains all the tools necessary for facilitating an efficient digital automated process: 

  • Intuitive digital forms with customizable fields  
  • Automated configurable workflow 
  • Ability to correspond and deliver changes through the SimpliGov platform 
  • User-friendly portal for supporting documentation 
  • Dashboard for reporting and tracking of process status, tasks, and documents 
  • Audit trails with autogenerated documents and compliance 
  • Integrated eSignature 
  • Autogenerated email responses to citizens or employees 


  • Go live with new registration process on short notice 
  • Process many forms in little time with few errors 
  • Enable citizens and employees to get back to indoor activities with little administrative hassle 
  • Agencies do their part to maintain public health 

Ready to begin?

Automating your processes need not be a daunting task. Contact us and we will show you how SimpliGov can help you achieve your goals in record time.

Ready to begin?

Automating your processes need not be a daunting task. Contact us and we will show you how SimpliGov can help you achieve your goals in record time.

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