New Policy Workflow
Route approvals of new policies for labor union employees.
Create a systematic way to propose and secure agreement on new rules that are subject to collective bargaining agreements.
HR and legal departments need a formal process for coming up with new policies related to time entry, vacation and sick leave, code of conduct, safety standards, grievance procedure changes, and other facets of work that require labor union signoff.
- Work seamlessly with union IT infrastructures
- Automatic routing between company stakeholders and union representatives
- Ability to send and track feedback on proposed policy changes with audit trails
- Set response deadline dates directly in the system
Features Used: Workflow Automation | Smart Forms | Document Generation | SimpliSign | Document Storage
Simpligov in Action
- Workflow automation instantly alerts and routes new policy proposals to policy owners and department heads
- Policy owners submit feedback to policy authors through the SimpliGov platform
- Tailor workflows to existing internal business procedures
- Enable direct routing of proposals to union organizations
- Program deadlines of set intervals (e.g., 30 days, 60 days, etc.) for response and counterproposal
- Proposal activity and formal signoff is tracked and stored in a central database
Streamline the process of proposing and instituting new procedures for unionized workers.
- Legal protection
- Transparency
- Increased trust and stronger, more collaborative union relationships
- Virtual elimination of errors and dropped balls in critical policy formulation activities
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