Emergency Rental Assisstance Program
Manage your ERAP Funds effectively and efficiently with full transparency.
Get rental assistance out quickly to constituents who need it most.
Many agencies that come into ERAP funds struggle to build an end-to-end application process, from prescreening to funds distribution, that complies with the legislation in short time. As a result, funds oftentimes go undistributed.
- Implement quickly and leverage existing infrastructure
- Comply with the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act and 2021 American Rescue Plan Act
- Provide a simple, expedient, and consistent citizen experience, whether applications are submitted online, via phone, or in person
- Leverage prebuilt calculators that determine the amount and duration of assistance approved, according to federal government regulations
Features Used: Workflow Automation | Smart Forms | Document Generation | SimpliSign | Document Storage
Simpligov in Action
The SimpliGov ERAP solution contains all the tools necessary for facilitating an efficient digital automated process:
- Intuitive digital forms with fields that can be customized to capture pertinent identity, demographic, and residence information
- Automated configurable workflow that can accommodate multiple internal employees and third-party caseworkers
- Prebuilt calculators that produce AMI estimates
- User-friendly portal for supporting documentation (e.g., paychecks, proof of identity, employment information, rental expenses, etc.)
- Automatic ranking of requests in the queue by priority
- Tracking of process status, tasks, correspondence, and documents
- Reports on distribution of funds by category (e.g., demographics, income levels, geographic area, employee/caseworker, etc.)
- Integrations with existing internal systems
- Audit trails with autogenerated documents and compliance
- Integrated eSignature
- Built-in compliance with government regulations
- Caseworkers freed up to focus on citizens in need
- More applications processed in less time
- Reduction in errors and graft
- On-demand visibility into dollar allocation, citizen impact, caseworker performance, and program effectiveness
- Compliance with legislation’s formal reporting requirements
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