Milk License

Orderly License, Renewal, and Penalty Administration
Making milk dealer licensing more efficient, while creating greater transparency for compliance enforcement.


Departments of agriculture and food safety struggle to ensure that thousands of companies are licensed and in compliance with milk handling laws using manual processes.


SimpliGov allows agencies to:

  • Deliver a seamless, end-to-end self-service process for registering and paying for new licenses and renewals, including support for traditional paper check payment options
  • Automate the review and approval of new license applications
  • Levy penalties, handle appeals, and collect fine payments remotely
    • Customize review processes for different violations (e.g., delinquent payments, supplier hazards, antitrust pricing)
    • Issue multiple violations under a single user ID without recreating the wheel
  • Automatically calculate fees based on milk volume (e.g., quarts, gallons, etc.), company size, percentage of revenue, or other variable
  • Create multiple accounts under each business ID and grant self-service privileges (e.g., view information and status around licenses and violations, update business information, and print licenses) to authorized users
  • Customize approval processes for different business types (franchises, LLCs, sole proprietors, etc.)

SimpliGov in Action

  • Intuitive digital form builder with customizable fields, dropdown menus, yes/no buttons, and text boxes
  • Autopopulation of fields (e.g., contact, business, and supplier information completed upon entry of business license or ID number)
  • Conditional logic (e.g., display relevant fields for franchises, individual owners, LLCs, etc.)
  • Workflow automation—route new license applications or violation appeals to the right stakeholders in appropriate order
  • Autogenerated renewal reminder, delinquent payment, and review status email alerts
  • User security (two-factor identification, email verification, unique PIN for registration)
  • Audit trails for compliance
  • Prebuilt and customizable form templates
  • Built-in calculators


  • Reduced risk of food safety issues
  • Quicker fee collection, better handle on finances
  • Process registrations more quickly and with fewer errors
  • Easier for owners to do business with your municipality
  • Greater visibility into the interstate movement of milk and products

Ready to begin?

Automating your processes need not be a daunting task. Contact us and we will show you how SimpliGov can help you achieve your goals in record time.

Ready to begin?

Automating your processes need not be a daunting task. Contact us and we will show you how SimpliGov can help you achieve your goals in record time.

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Compensation and Classification

Government agencies must ensure that the categorization of job groups and salary schedules is current and accurate.

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Milk License

Dairy companies should not have to spend much time managing and renewing their licenses. Agencies must be transparent in their enforcement of regulations.

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