The public sector is faced with modernizing systems and processes to increase efficiencies and better serve constituents. It’s a monumental task, coupled with a variety of challenges including limited integration capabilities due to legacy systems, budget restrictions and lack of resources. But that’s changing, thanks to government automation systems like the one from SimpliGov.
Sonoma County was an early adopter of SimpliGov. The County’s goal was to introduce workflow automation through internal pilot projects that would touch employees across the entire agency so they would become familiar with the new processes and pave the way for future workflow automation improvements.
Sonoma County representatives identified several areas where government workflow automation would deliver the most benefit:
- Litigation Hold Process
- Staff Development Funds
- Travel Request Forms
- Advertising Fund (used with small businesses to apply funds to advertising at County events)
- Service Collaboration and Delivery
<p”>Each pilot program reached 90 percent completion after just six months, requiring little assistance from IT and only one hour per week from select employees for design. The team at Sonoma County credits the success of the program to its ease of use and seamless integration with existing systems.
It’s a good example of how solutions like SimpliGov free up resources to focus on more complex tasks, provide the ability to seamlessly collaborate across departments and cultivate technology adoption.
See what Carolyn Staats, Director of Innovation, Information Systems Department, for Sonoma County, has to say about SimpliGov and the level of partnership her team has enjoyed with us over the years.