Administrative Solutions
We understand government processes can be unique, and our solution flexes to meet those needs, not the other way around.
Increase the speed and efficiency of your organization.
Increase efficiency
Free up your employees to spend less time routing documents and more time doing the work that matters.
Improve collaboration
Share comments, tag and assign actions across functions. Everything is accessible to everyone in one central place.
Track progress
Get visibility into the status of workflows and understand where the bottlenecks are.
Explore Administrative Use Cases:
Standardize Purchase Requisitions
SimpliGov automates the process for managing purchase requisitions, making government operations more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective.
Compensation and Classification
Government agencies must ensure that the categorization of job groups and salary schedules is current and accurate.
Milk License
Dairy companies should not have to spend much time managing and renewing their licenses. Agencies must be transparent in their enforcement of regulations.
Environmental Disposal of Large Items
Digital forms and workflows help agencies track the disposal of large items that are no longer of use for compliance with government regulations.
Bus Driver CDL Testing
Modernizing the Testing Process for Safe Student Transport with a workflow controlled checklist process.
Event and Resource Scheduling
Turn your form and workflow automation tools into an efficient event and program scheduling app.