autogenerated documents

Auto-generate documents with no-code

On-the-fly conversion of your online forms to formatted documents sealed with signatures and integrated digital form data.

Build Document Templates

Build Document Templates

Design your documents in a wysiwyg interface including form field elements, workflow data, and custom layouts.

Auto Generate Documents

Auto Generate Documents

Define workflow rules to auto-generate documents on-the-fly during the lifecycle of any business process.

Document Manamgement

Manage Documents

Send documents for review, approvals and signatures. Store documents on internal or cloud-based systems.

Build document templates in a simple easy interface.

SimpliGov’s document template builder has all the features required to create custom document layouts. 

Integrate data from forms, workflow, and esignature processes.

Include data elements from form fields, workflow processes and electronic signatures direclty into your documents.

Automated document generation and archival.

Documents securely compiled on-the-fly based on pre-defined rules, routed to storage system of choice. 

Unlimited solutions.

Explore our solutions:

Standardize Purchase Requisitions

SimpliGov automates the process for managing purchase requisitions, making government operations more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective.

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Compensation and Classification

Government agencies must ensure that the categorization of job groups and salary schedules is current and accurate.

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Milk License

Dairy companies should not have to spend much time managing and renewing their licenses. Agencies must be transparent in their enforcement of regulations.

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