13 Reasons Government Needs Digital Workflow Automation
Learn how public service gets smarter and more efficient with government automation.
Uncover how to accelerate and optimize government operations with the insights in “13 Reasons Government Needs Digital Workflow Automation.” It’s a free download from the experts at SimpliGov revealing how you can cost-effectively improve public services.

In this resource you will discover how 150+ state and local government leaders assess their plans and speak to:
- How 78% of government IT leads see SaaS document management as a tool for improved productivity.
- Why the right workflow automation platform can help you avoid rip-and-replace of legacy software systems, avoiding disruption and saving you money.
- How workflow automation can ensure better compliance and data security by replacing manual processes.
- Ensures compliance and security through centralized archiving and monitoring.
- How research proves how workflow automation and online access improves constituent engagement and satisfaction.