
Affordable electronic signature solution built for Government. 

Design & Sign

  • Drag-and-drop field configuration
  • Map form fields to documents
  • Configure field properties
  • Use your own brand and styles
  • Simple send
  • Intuitive signing interface

Built-in Workflow

  • The only government esign
    solution with true workflow
  • Manage document reviewers
  • Configure order of signers
  • Customize notifications
  • Prebuilt integrations

Central Dashboard

  • Central view into all transactions
  • Automate and send reminders
  • View signer status across all documents
  • Take quick actions

Custom Templates

  • Design reusable custom
    document templates
  • Manage template libraries
  • Import any government form
  • Built-in document versioning
  • Batch send and sign

Schedule a SimpliSign Demo


Built for Government

  • Works with any government form or
    document — not just PDF!
  • Provides the easy, clean modern
    interface constituents are now
  • Less paper and digitization improves
    green footprint
  • Enterprise-wide cost reduction with no
    paper filing, online document storage,
    and less administration

Speedy, Efficient Public Services

  • Collect signatures fast
  • Autogenerated notifications save time by
    prompting signers
  • Data management elliminates errors
  • Staff is freed up to work on more complex
  • Customize and send email alerts through
    the system

Meets Government Auditing Standards

  • An accessible audit trail records
    and provides transparency for
    every action within a transaction
    lifecycle. This ensures there is never a
    misunderstanding of activities
  • Flexible reporting and analytics
    provide insights into administrative and
    constituent behavior in the system

Security and Regulatory Compliance

  • Hosted in Azure Gov cloud infrastructure
  • Secure tamper-free autogeneration of documents
  • Custom water marking on documents
  • Built to HIPAA, PCI, ADA, SOC2,
    NIST800-53, information security standards

Low Cost. No Code. Low Overhead.
An unparalleled feature set for public sector.

Simple signing experience.

Provide your end signers with a branded, intuitive, and simple signing experience that is responsive to their device. Simple signatures or an in-depth review, approval, and signature process can be integrated into workflows.

Easy document design.

SimpliSign offers a user-friendly modern design interface, enabling document template design, drag-and-drop tagging, signer management, and more. SimpliSign differentiates from the competition by allowing signatures on multiple different document types.

Centralized dashboard.

Follow your organization’s document transactions in a single centralized dashboard, giving you immediate insight and full visibility. Configure dashboards to display single documents or more complex transactions.

All the features you need for your success

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simple signing interface

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Custom Notifications

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Conversation Threads

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Interactive document tagging

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No-code drag-and-drop template design

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Rule-based Document Generation

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Dynamic Content Packets

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delegated signing across signers

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auditing, tracking, and security

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custom Document Watermarking

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Multiple integrations

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single-view transaction dashboard

City of San Jose workflow automation digital forms esignature

Customer Success Story

City of San Jose Implements SimpliSign Workflow to Improve Efficiencies.

With SimpliSign integrated into its automated workflows, Silicon Valley’s unofficial capital city has made things simpler for its employees and citizens.

“We were able to quickly work with over 30 City staff to document the 213RR process and build it out in an automated workflow. Further automation of City processes will help create efficiencies for City staff at a time when they need those efficiencies the most.”
Jerry Driessen
City of San Jose